UPDATE: Statement released on 01/04/20/
Brecon Jazz Festival Weekend takes place 5 months from now in August. The festival weekend in it entirety is still being planned and expected to be delivered from 6th to 9th August. But these are uncertain times and everyone’s safety is paramount to us. We are monitoring daily the recommendations and information from The Government and Health Board.
For further information and updates please follows us on social media and our weekend information website www.breconjazzfestival.co.uk
A big thank you from all of us involved in all aspects of this great weekend , from the jazz concerts to the outdoor stage, the frazz parade to the fringe venues, we all thank you sincerely for all your messages of support we have received, it means so much to us all.
Stay Safe, stay home (for now) and hopefully we will see you all in Brecon this August. TOGETHER WE WILL BEAT THIS!